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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Police Blotter: 23 Oct 2012

Mercenary moto thief caught selling the bike
A simple moto sale turned into a more costly transaction for one Phnom Penh thief who was tapped on the shoulder by police before he could shake hands on his devious deal.
The 21-year-old allegedly nicked the moto from Phnom Penh’s Daun Penh district on Sunday. The moto’s outraged owner filed a complaint to police, who later spotted the vehicle being sold in a shop. The victim said he’d recognise his wheels anywhere, and the opportunistic purloiner was sent to court. Koh Santepheap

Tuk-tuk driver offers thief-defence services
A plucky tuk-tuk driver went above and beyond the call of duty on Saturday when he faced off against two roadside robbers who tried to snatch his customer’s necklace. Not only did the chivalrous chauffer fend off the filching fiends, but he personally arrested the two, sending them to the police and from there to court. One hopes the uninjured victim tipped generously. Kampuchea Thmey

Police investigate case of body found in pond
A 24-year-old man found dead in a pond in Phnom Penh’s Sen Sok district was most likely murdered, police say. The man’s body had wounds to the head and torso, which he probably sustained before the killers disposed of his body in the pond. Neighbours said the man lived alone and had been missing for one day when he was found. Police are still investigating the death. Deum Ampil

Thieves take victim’s phone and then his life
A phone snatch turned to tragedy on Sunday when the thieves stabbed and killed a 22-year-old man outside the Olympic stadium. The man and his girlfriend were leaving the grounds after a bout of exercise when a group of robbers approached them, brandishing a knife and demanding the victim hand over his mobile. The muggers then stabbed the man and escaped before police arrived. The victim died on the way to hospital. Kampuchea Thmey

Repetitive robbers find police waiting
A pair of perennial prowlers, whose house-burgling antics had residents in Banteay Meanchey’s Poipet district well and truly pipped, were caught out by their own predictability on Sunday. According to police, the two men had been robbing houses at night for some time when an evening police patrol caught them in the act. The defalcating duo was seen breaking into a house when police jumped out and nabbed them. The pair were taken to court. 

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