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Friday, November 2, 2012

Techphyre Passes 10,000 Page Views!

Time flies when you’re having fun! As we wrap up the month of June, I looked up the site stats and notice that this month, Techphyre passed the 10,000 page view mark!

Since there had not been an update to the site recently, it seemed fitting to post the obligatory listing of stats – and some notes and what to expect at Techphyre in the coming year:

Current Page Views: 10,695

Busiest Day: 404 total views

Total Posts: 47

Most Popular Topic: Apple (also Techphyre Home Page!)

Most Popular Search Term: “Technology”

Oddest Search Term: “Huge Cell Phone”

Largest Referrers: Google,,

What changes to expect at Techphyre?

A companion YouTube channel, more frequent updates, and guest blog posts

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