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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Building a future for Cambodia

Local residents are being given the opportunity to hear more about a unique relationship that has formed between a group of Kangaroo Island residents and a slum village in one of the poorest countries in the world.

An information session will be held next week in Kingscote at which a small band of islanders will speak about a journey that has seen them rally together to help a once poverty-stricken village in Cambodia.

But more than just hearing about what is being done to help these needy families, there is a chance to travel to the country and work alongside them in a specific building project later this year.

“We have been supporting and visiting this village near Cambodia’s capital for four years now, during which time we have seen them go from living in absolute poverty to now having decent housing, meaningful employment and education for their children,” Kangaroo Island Supporting Cambodia spokesman Rob Ellson said.

“However, there is much more to be done and we will be travelling to the country again in December this year to complete another construction project and we would love for other islanders to join us,” he said.

The trip will be centred around building necessary infrastructure in the village, but will also include visits to some of Cambodia’s most well-known cultural attractions and a few out-of-the-way places as well.

“So if you’ve ever wanted to get yourself out of your comfort zone and spend two weeks doing something you will never forget, please come along to our information session – who knows the life you change might just be your own,” Mr Ellson said. See advert this page for more details.

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