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Monday, October 29, 2012

Health and fitness agenda: World Diabetes Day

Coming up, World Diabetes Day aims to reach millions around the globe to raise awareness of the disease.

World Diabetes Day ©All rights reserved
World Diabetes Day (WDD)
November 14
WDD, created by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the World Health Organization in 1991, takes place annually to bring greater awareness to diabetes and its control. Events around the globe include talks, health fairs, fun runs, poster competitions, flash mobs, etc. In addition, hundreds of public monuments will be lit blue to honor the day, including the London Eye, the Empire State Building in New York and the Acropolis in Athens.

International Men's Day
November 19
Supported by the United Nations, International Men's Day, inaugurated in 1999 in Trinidad and Tobago, is an annual international event that focuses on men's and boys' health, improving gender relations, promoting gender equality, and highlighting positive male role models. This year's theme is "Helping men and boys live longer, happier, healthier lives" with a focus on improving men's access to mental and emotional support and tackling tolerance of violence against men and boys. Commemorations worldwide include public seminars, classroom activities at schools, radio and television programs, and displays and marches.

World Toilet Day
November 19
World Toilet Day is an international public health awareness day focusing on sanitation and the importance of healthy toilet habits and illnesses associated with poor facilities, and to help make an impact on the 2.6 billion who live without access to clean sanitation, according to the event organizers. A World Toilet summit will be held in Durban, South Africa, December 3-6.
After wrapping up an event in the US, Europe’s massive BioFach heads to Tokyo. The event expects to draw more than 17,000 visitors and showcase thousands of organic products, in addition to natural personal care products. BioFach also has a global presence with events in Nuremberg, Shanghai, Sao Paulo, and Baltimore. A sister event in Bangalore, India, takes place November 29-December 1, with an expected 3,000 visitors.

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