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Saturday, October 27, 2012


In recent years, powerful advances have been made in medicine and technology, impacting global health status worldwide. Nations across the globe are experiencing decreasing rates of child mortality, rising life expectancy and lowered incidence of chronic disease. But the global health picture is not entirely positive. HIV/AIDS incidence still climbs, inadequate care for rural populations still prevails and access to essential medicines remains limited throughout the world.

Recognizing that the global community has the resources and knowledge to address these realities of the global health field, Ashoka Fellows are mobilizing political and community will to implement necessary plans of action. By developing strategic cross-sector partnerships, Fellows are securing much needed medicines, developing mechanisms for knowledge transfer and building robust public health systems.

Using untapped populations as human resources

Veronica Khosa has developed an entirely new kind of health care profession in South Africa through her home-based nurse-training program. In a country where the formal healthcare system is unable to treat the millions of people ill with HIV/AIDS and other diseases, Veronica has established home-based healthcare that teaches family and friends to care for the ill and even to rehabilitate them. Her project creates healthcare that not only improves people's lives but uses resources in the most effective way. More

Ensuring advocacy is part of the equation

Pediatrician George Askew has created a way for children's doctors to actively promote policies and practices that improve the health and development of infants and young children across the United States. This powerful and previously untapped resource has redefined the professional role of children's doctors to go beyond clinical practice walls. More

Delivering a holistic approach to health
 In India, George Abraham has developed a program whose combination of clinical and non-clinical components will help the seeing impaired stand on their own feet and realize their full potentials. His Vision Enhancement Center provides blind and seeing impaired patients with the counseling, support, and training they need to function as independently as possible

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