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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tanks and APCs arrive in Sihanoukville port

Scores of tanks and armoured personnel carriers arrived at the port in Sihanoukville yesterday, marking one of the biggest shipments of military vehicles in recent history. 

A source in Preah Sihanouk province who asked not to be named told the Post that the ship in question arrived yesterday morning, with “some 100 tanks and about 40 eight- and six-wheel amoured personnel carriers,” he said.

Last night, Sihanoukville Autonomous Port director Lou Kim Chhun confirmed the shipment, but declined to comment on numbers or countries of origin, saying: “For the details I think you can ask customs officials.”

In September 2010, in the middle of a border dispute with Thailand, Cambodia purchased 94 tanks from an Eastern European country widely thought to be Ukraine. The same year, China donated some 250 vehicles to the Cambodian military.

Defense officials could be reached for comment. 

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